- TypeScript is the programming language.
- TypeScript Introduced by microsoft.
- Superset of JavaScript called as TypeScript.
- TypeScript Follows OOPS.
- Converting the TypeScript to Equalent JavaScript Called as "Transpilation".
- Web Pages(HTML Files) won't understands th TypeScript.
- As a TypeScript Developer we must perform the "Transpilation" Explicitely.
- "tsc" is a compiler used to perform the transpilation.
- "tsc" stands for "typescript compiler".
installation of TypeScript:
1) download and install NodeJS
website : https://nodejs.org/en/download/
file : node-v8.11.2-x64.msi
2) download and install VisualStudioCode.
website : https://code.viGit-2.17.0-64-bitsualstudio.com/docs/?dv=win
file : VSCodeSetup-x64-1.23.1.exe
3) download and install Git.
website : https://git-scm.com/download/win
file : Git-2.17.0-64-bit.exe
4) install "tsc" by using following command.
> npm install -g tsc
- "npm" stands node packaging manager.
- "npm" is the integrated tool of NodeJS.
- "-g" stands for global installation.
variables in TypeScript:
- Variables are used to store the data.
- By using Variables we can store all categories of Data.
- we can declare variables by using either "var" keyword
or "let" keyword.
- we can save all the TypeScript files with the ".ts" extension.
- Transipilation gives the equalent javascript file.
var variable_name:data_type = "value"
var data:string = "Welcome...!"
Transpilation of variables.ts file
=> open the Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code
=> execute the following command in integrated terminal
> tsc variables.ts
create the webpage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="variables.js"></script>
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