Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Create Angular project with material design

Create Angular project with material design

 > ng new angular --strict-false

If we add above command in terminal strict mode removed in angular project.

First will install bootstrap libraries

> npm install bootstrap --save

after install bootstrap please install below command also, due to if not install below command not working dropdown with button and dropdown list in our application.

> npm install @popperjs/core


"styles": [








after install bootrtrap will install angular meterial install.

> ng add @angular/material

After installation @angular/material below added new line in styles array



"styles": [








Default display in body tag like below added

<body class="mat-typography">



Note:- Please remove class="mat-typography" (if you use this class every time override bootstrap classes.)




then enter below command in terminals

> ng serve -open


> ng serve -o

once run the application index.html will go to angular.json then control will go to main.ts file

After install angular material will got some time below error

c:\Users\<systemname>\AppData\Roaming\npm\ng.ps1 can not be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

once remove this file "ng.ps1" will not get any error

Create Angular project

Create angular project

First will install node.js in local system then install angular cli to global in local system




after install Visual Studio Code, node js and @angular/cli 

we can create angular application through visual studio code

ng new my-project

cd my-project

ng serve (or) ng serve --open (or) ng serve -o

if given ng serve command will run angular application but not open in browser

ng serve --open (or) ng serve -o

when your given command will open angular application in browser 

localhost://4200 default angular application local url