Property Vs Attributes
Attributes and properties are not the same
Attributes are defined by HTML
Properties are defined by DOM
Attributes initialize DOM properties and then they are done
Attributes values con't change one they are initialized
Property values however can change
<input type="text" value="Angular Bin" >
<input type="text" [id]="userID" value="Angular Bin" >
<input type="text" disabled="false" id={{userID}} value="Angular Bin" > (Not work disabled)
<input type="text" [disabled]="false" id={{userID}} value="Angular Bin" > (It will work disabled)
<input type="text" [disabled]="isDisabled" id={{userID}} value="Angular Bin" > (It will work disabled)
<input type="text" bind-disabled="isDisabled" id={{userID}} value="Angular Bin" > (It will work disabled)